Alternatives to Gridlock
People in Wausau have seen me on this bike. They have seen me putting on the miles on a training workout with this bike. They have seen me on my daily commutes with this thing. They have seen me doing “fun” rides with friends in the local bike club.
For some reason riding a bike for anything other than an occasional jaunt is too far left of field for most people to grasp. They think of it, maybe because of their own circumstances as too far, too difficult, or just two awkward.
For some, bicycling is the poor man’s transportation. It says “I need to ride a bike to get around because I can’t afford a car.” For some it is the joke about having too many at the bar and driving home, getting ticketed for driving drunk. Too many OWIs and you’re riding a bike or walking and it is not your choice.
The city of Wausau, WI is fairly compact and therefore very walkable. When I look east in the morning at the horizon, I don’t see tall buildings. I see silos from beyond East Hill. Entering this city from most directions is simply amazing because you would hardly think that a city is actually there. I just wish I could capture those views.
We all complain about gridlock, we expect the state or local government to do something about it. Yet we fail to recognise that the power to deal with gridlock is right at our own feet.
We complain about high gas prices yet we do not wish to lower our demand. That F-150 is a fine truck, but on a daily commute, my Diamondback commuter will ride circles around it in terms of economy. We complain about being too fat, yet forget it is within our own power to control our weight.
Each city has miles and miles of sidewalks, yet when our streets and freeways become too clogged with automobile traffic, our sidewalks are uncrowded, free and clear.
Don't expect government policy to get rid of gridlock when you yourself have the choice to make the decision about your own transportation and that of your family. My Wausau does not have a good public transit system. It is crappy. Because of bad politics with the surrounding suburbs about who pays what for the costs, the busses don’t go a lot of places. But if you are healthy like me, using a bike or walking is a good alternative and won’t cost you on time.